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Companies equipped with Sage 100 Accounting and Tax States are invited to update their applications according to the tax calendar.


14/12/2018* Version 11.40 of Sage States Accountants and Tax, mandatory for the 2019 tax campaign and incorporating:
– IFU forms (sheets 2561)
04/02/2019*Making available the Tax Maj containing the forms Rcm:
Sheet 2777-D-SD
07/02/2019*EDI-Payment RCM campaign opens
15/02/2019IFU filing limit
28/02/2019*Making available the Tax Maj
containing THE EDI Payment IS forms:
Sheets 2571-SD, 2572-SD and 2573-SD
Approved Forms: Sheets 2072-S, 2072-C and 2072-E
05/03/2019*EDI-Payment IS campaign opens
08/03/2019*Closing of the EDI TDFC vintage 2017 campaign (in Test)
EDI-TDFC 2018 vintage campaign opens (in Test)
28/03/2019*Closing of the EDI-TDFC vintage 2017 campaign (in Real)
29/03/2019*Tax Maj Liasses TDFC and ActiveX EDI TDFC/CVAE Payment/Request
05/04/2019*EDI-TDFC and EDI-Payment CVAE 2018 campaign opens
18/05/2019*EDI-TDFC deposit limit for bundles for all plans (year ended at 31/12)

These dates are given as an indication and are subject to changes depending on changes in the 2019 Finance Act and the dates of publication of the specifications.




  • Instalments 2571 to 15/03 – 15/06 – 15/09 – 15/12
  • Balance statement 2572 and claim 2573 on 03/05 (exercise at 31/12/18)


  • Instalments 1329AC on 15/06 – 15/09
  • Balance 1329DEF on 03/05


Periodic statement on the 15th of the month following the payment made.