The Sage Payroll Plan

Sage Paie and RH Generation I7

We can accompany you in setting up the procedures indicated in these cards through a service. Your regular contact will tell you how to do it.

What is the PPS for?

The PPS allows the automatic and secure updating of the payroll setting by simply loading a file containing legal and social news.
Thanks to the documentation provided with the PPS, users will be aware of all these settings.
How do I download the new version of the PPS?

If Internet access is available on the station where the payroll software is installed, it is possible today to download the new version of the payroll plan from the latest version of the software:
Menu? / Updated ppS plan, download button or by the Download Sage Payroll Plan tile available on the APP’s PPS page.
What’s new January 2018 – available in 8.20, 9.0x and 9.1x versions

Update No.2 (12/01) This update incorporates in addition to Update 1:

Adjustments to the calculation of the social security ceiling for employees days (day and package)
The calculation of the Payroll Tax for earnings above the 2nd threshold. Be careful the scales have not yet been published.

Update No.1 (8/01) This update includes, among other things:

The new way of calculating the social security ceiling
The new CSG, sickness and unemployment rates
The new values of the social security ceiling, the SMIC, the GMP, the scales…
The revaluation of certain contributions (illness, paid leave…)
The revaluation of Fillon’s T coefficient
The abolition of penalty contributions