Functional improvements

Resuming situations outside of exercise creation

  • Integrating a new assistant into the Processing – Complement and Control menu to create situations with the same periods of a previous year.

Consultation of the observations entered in the balance

  • It is possible to enter, delete or view an account observation by double-clicking on an account in the balance.

Integration of bundle dais forms and member group in the head group bundle

  • Integration of a new assistant, button [Integrate] in the bundle to incorporate forms from the wad of common law and the bundle Group Member in the bundle Group Head.
  • Assistant available in the file of the group’s parent company

Total reprocessing forms by parent company
(March 2019)

  • Integration of new 2058ERTOT and 2058ESTOT totaling forms into the Head group bundle during the 2019 campaign. They will automatically establish the totalization of all states 2058ER and 2058ES established of forms drawn up for each company in the group

Other functional features

  • Simplification of the printing window of bundles and annexes.
  • Delayed printing of bundles, wafers and scales
  • Printing the signage of the state of the coherence controls
  • Pre-selection of dates in multi-file chained printing.

Trades improvements

IFU to the 2019 vintage

Version 11.40 of Sage States Accountants and Tax includes the evolutions of the specifications 2019 TD-RCM (tax return 2018 of personal capital).

  • Integration of forms 2561, 2561bis and 2561ter to the 2019 vintage
  • Integration of the evolutions of Forms 2561 and 2561bis:
    • Proceeds from life insurance contracts and related investments
    • Disposals of bonds or capitalization contracts
  • New Excel recipient entry file « Entering Recipients IFU 2561-2019-1.xlsm »
  • TD-RCM file generation for 2019 vintage

(March 2019)

  • The dematerialization of The SCI forms will be simplified in 2019 with the deletion of forms 2072C, 2072CA2 and 2072CA8. Data for the Complete SCI plan are carried over to simplified SCI forms to become one plan.

More information

This update will be available on 12/14/2018:

Via SageUpdate in the « Available Update » tile in the IntuiSage and in the menu? – Search for updates available to users who have installed version 11.00
Via a download on MySage

Tax update disinformation

The 11.40 version of Sage States Accountants and Tax is mandatory for the 2019 campaign.

1. Fiscal Maj EDI-Payment RCM

This update will be available around 04/02/2019.

2. EdI-Payment IS Tax Maj

This update will be available around 28/02/2019.

3. Tax Maj EDI-TDFC and EDI-CVAE Payment for 2019 vintage

Check out the tax calendar here